Our Four Week Session includes:
In this first class we will begin to look at the main principles of the Alexander Technique, why it works, and how you can begin to implement it into any and every activity of your daily life.We’ll examine our preconceived notions of good posture and talk about why it inevitably feels so uncomfortable and hard to maintain.Finally we’ll discuss what authentic confidence means and how you can naturally uncover the grace and poise you already possess.
Wear: Comfortable clothes.
Bring:A yoga mat and or some towels to lie on.
Ever feel awkward just standing there at a party or in a line? Get the feeling you’re slumping but don’t know what to do about it? Feel clumsy getting in and out of a car or even a chair? Learn how to turn self consciousness and awkwardness in to balance and poise.
Wear: Comfortable clothes.
Bring: A yoga mat and/or towels to lie on.
If you’ve ever sat at a café and people-watched, you know how slumped and frumpy people can look as they walk down the street. How often do you think about the way you move and what impression you unconsciously make on the world around you? In this session we’ll learn how to take what we’ve learned into movement. We’ll talk about the “it factor”, why some people seem to have natural charisma and “a feel about them”, and how you can learn to possess this quality effortlessly.
Wear: Comfortable clothes
Bring: A yoga mat and/or towels to lie on.
A great pair of shoes is for your legs what makeup is for your face. Heels only work to your advantage when they give you a long line and accentuate your natural beauty. So why do most women clomp around as if their shoes are wearing them?! For our final session, put on your favorite business suit or don your most eye-catching-girls-night-out attire. We’ll examine what standing in front of a group does to each of us personally and how we can turn that nervous energy into presence. Bring two pairs of your cutest pumps and we’ll learn how to make your heels work for you and make sure you are NOT working for your heels.
Wear: A fabulous outfit you feel great in.
Bring: 2 pairs of your favorite shoes.